Chandra Academy aims to provide world-class educational opportunities in Zindapur,Jungle Kauria, Gorakhpur.U.P.
The school provides education to students from class Nursery to class 8th .
The Campus contains airy classrooms, and beautiful landscape lawns & playground Area.
Cultural activities, games, expeditions, outdoor activities and project work forms an essential part of the school curriculum.
Our central belief is that our children should be happy and positively challenged in what they do, and they will achieve to very high levels. The academy is also proud to have its own website and SMS facility to enable better and efficient communication between the management, the parents, and the student community.
The academy also has A.V English room, clubs and societies and e-learning classes.
School provides conveyance facilities to make affordable education to all students.
We are committed to our students to provide them with the best in all fields like Academics, Sports, Art, Dance, Music and other Co-Curricular Activities. The unique curriculum lays emphasis on sport, music, art, dance, public speaking and interactive skills.
Chandra Academy is a pioneering institution where we believe that each child is special and must develop his or her own personality through a specially designed education programme.